Videos meet many of the characteristics that psychology says people need in order to learn well and sustainably.
Occupational safety films are particularly suitable for familiarizing employees with safety and health protection issues in training. Because often enough, the workforce and managers show, at best, moderate interest in the annual instructions.
The integration of occupational safety videos in instructions has the potential to change that. Because moving images meet many of the characteristics that, according to psychologists, people need in order to learn well and sustainably. Checking pokemon fire red cheats can be done while watching the videos.
What can videos do that books and lectures can’t?
Videos always have a time reference. This means that the viewer sees directly what someone is doing and when – and can imitate it and thus understand it better. Experts call this “learning by imitation” or “learning on the model” and that has a positive effect on learning.
In addition, videos combine the properties of many other media formats in one: text, images, audio, graphics, diagrams and animations complement each other. That helps to remember things better.
And ultimately, learners can interact with a video – that is, by stopping, rewinding, and watching again, they can determine the learning pace themselves. So everyone can learn as quickly or slowly as they want.
Empirical evidence shows that videos are successful teachers
Apart from these theoretical considerations, various studies also show a positive connection between explanatory videos and the learning effect. Learners who had used explanatory videos, for example, were able to use the software better and more safely than those who worked out the content using paper-based documents. In addition, explanatory videos have a positive influence on the attention, sense of significance and engagement of learners.
What are the characteristics of good health and safety films?
But not all video is the same. In addition to the quality of the craftsmanship and the didactic preparation, the length of the occupational safety film is decisive for learning success.
Good occupational safety films also compensate for the decisive disadvantage that they have compared to “conventional instruction”: viewers cannot ask questions if they do not understand something. Therefore, videos should contain various elements that make it easier for learners to actively process the content.